Ahead of the 23rd Anniversary of 9/11 This Week, Chair of 9/11 Families United Sends Open Letters to Kamala Harris & Donald Trump Seeking Accountability and Support for Terrorism Victims

New York, NY As the 23rd anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks approaches this week, 9/11 Families United, representing over 10,000 family members of victims and survivors, has sent letters to both Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump. The letter seeks their commitment to confronting Saudi Arabia about new evidence related to the 9/11 attacks and supporting legislation to aid terrorism victims.

Key points from the letter from Terry Strada, National Chair of 9/11 Families United include:

  • A request for both candidates’ commitment to confront Saudi Arabia about new evidence of its involvement in 9/11 and press for accountability.
  • An appeal to prioritize transparency and accountability for the 9/11 attacks over relations with Saudi Arabia.
  • A call for support of the bipartisan Ensuring Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act (EJVTA), which aims to reaffirm the rights of American terrorism victims to seek compensation from foreign sponsors of terrorism.

The letter references recently unsealed evidence, including a video described by former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell as a “chilling” casing video of the U.S. Capitol by a Saudi intelligence agent in the months prior to 9/11. It also cites statements from former CIA Director George Tenet and former 9/11 Commission member Bob Kerrey, emphasizing the significance of this new information, which was never shared with the 9/11 Commission for its report.

Terry Strada, National Chair of 9/11 Families United, stated, “As we approach another solemn anniversary, we are calling on both presidential candidates to demonstrate their commitment to the 9/11 community through clear words and concrete action. The American people deserve nothing less than the full truth about 9/11, regardless of where that truth may lead.”

Additional Background on the Ensuring Justice For Victims of Terrorism Act (EJVTA):

As U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), the lead Senate Republican sponsor of both JASTA and the EJVTA, explained recently:

  • By making minor technical edits, this bill makes sure JASTA works the way it was intended to, reaffirms our commitment to holding sponsors of terrorism accountable, and ensures victims’ families can continue to seek justice against those who perpetrated these horrific acts.” [Click Here For More]

The EJVTA is a modest, technical corrections bill to address three drafting oversights in the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) and the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA).  These technical corrections break no new policy ground, but simply:

  • Reaffirm that the ATA’s aiding and abetting liability cause of action applies as to foreign states;
    • provide that those facing judgments face the normal execution procedures in like cases; and
    • ensure that all damaged and injured parties can bring their claims.
  • The EJVTA is supported by over 99% of September 11 victims’ family members, injured survivors, and those who are sick and dying from 9/11-related illnesses—more than 10,000 Americans seeking justice for the murder of their loved ones and injured survivors.
  • These technical corrections do not relate to President Obama’s ill-advised veto of JASTA in 2016, which Congress easily overrode (97-1; 348-77). President Obama had concerns about the sovereign immunity portions of the bill, predicting dire international consequences that never materialized in any form whatsoever. President Obama did not express any objections to the provisions addressed by the EJVTA, nor did those who supported his veto.

Since JASTA’s passage, the 9/11 community has been pursuing justice and accountability in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. That court’s misinterpretations of JASTA have made EJVTA necessary.

About 9/11 Families United:

9/11 Families United is an organization consisting of family members of those murdered in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, as well as many of those who survived, were injured in or sickened from the attacks, a community that numbers well over 10,000.  More information is at www.911familiesunited.org.
