Media Advisory: Stakeout Following Critical Hearing On Evidence Related To Saudi Role In 9/11 Attacks

Washington, D.C. – On Wednesday, the US District Court for Southern District of New York is scheduled to hear oral arguments at a high stakes hearing that could determine whether the pursuit of justice against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for its role in the 9/11 attacks can proceed to trial and if critical evidence is locked away from public scrutiny.

Judge George Daniels will preside over a hearing on the Kingdom’s motion to dismiss the case against it while a separate motion that jeopardizes the constitutional right of the press and the public to review thousands of documents related to the 9/11 attacks because of the FBI’s and Saudi Arabia’s continuing efforts to keep crucial evidence under seal has yet to be ruled upon.

Major news organizations including CBS News, CNN, The New York Times, Nexstar Media, and ProPublica strenuously objected earlier this month “to any closure or other restriction on public access … that is inconsistent with the constitutional requirements governing access to court proceedings” in correspondence with the court.

“The FBI has purposefully dragged its feet for years and continues to slow the pursuit of justice. As a result, we are on the precipice of having critical never-before-seen evidence related to the 9/11 attacks locked away for good without the press and the public ever having an opportunity to review it,” said 9/11 Families United National Chair Terry Strada. “The court should absolutely reject the Kingdom’s motion to dismiss and release all of the evidence to the public. The FBI is never going to finish its job and the American people have already waited for too long. We need a public accounting of the evidence directly implicating the Kingdom in the worst terror attack in our nation’s history.”

WHAT: Oral Argument On Dispositive Motions In re Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001

WHEN: Wednesday, July 31 at 9:45am

WHERE: US District Court for Southern District of New York, 500 Pearl Street, New York, NY

9/11 Families United National Chair Terry Strada and attorneys for the plaintiffs will be available for a media stakeout immediately following the hearing at the corner of Worth Street & Baxter Street.

For more information please contact [email protected].
