Saudi Complicity In 9/11 Attacks On Display In New York Courtroom

Terror Sponsors Exposed While Terror Masterminds Escape Trial

NEW YORK – On Wednesday, the US District Court for Southern District of New York heard oral arguments on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s motion to dismiss the case brought by 9/11 victims and their families against it just two days after the presiding judge denied a separate motion by the Kingdom to lock away 1,424 documents collected and filed with the court from the public.

Throughout the day-long hearing, evidence that had never before been made public was introduced, helping to confirm in the court of public opinion what most Americans already know to be true – that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia aided and abetted the 9/11 terrorists.

“The Kingdom and its attorneys know that the dam is breaking and that this may be their last chance to avoid a trial that will force it to defend the indefensible – its funding and logistical support of al-Qaeda and the 9/11 terrorists who killed my husband and thousands of other Americans,” said 9/11 Families United National Chair Terry Strada. “The Kingdom’s attorneys tried every way possible to persuade the court but only succeeded in satisfying their paymasters. The court must deny the motion to dismiss and move this trial forward.”

Against the backdrop of the hearing, multiple press outlets reported that Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, Walid bin Attash and Mustafa al-Hawsawi will escape a trial at Guantánamo Bay by pleading guilty to conspiracy charges. The Kingdom, of course, has no such option and must face its accusers in a court of law, and answer for the evidence already made public.

Strada continued, “Al-Qaeda enjoyed $30 million a year in support from wealthy financiers and supporters – much of which flowed through Saudi government-sponsored ‘Islamic charities,’ run by Saudi officials. Saudi officials provided financial and other material support to the 9/11 hijackers upon their arrival in the United States. One of its intelligence agents shot a casing video of the U.S. Capitol, and was found to be in possession of plane drawings and flight calculations that could be used to view a target from an aircraft and then calculate the rate of descent to the target. The evidence leaves no doubt that the 9/11 community deserves their day in court and the American people deserve the truth.”

About 9/11 Families United:

9/11 Families United is an organization consisting of family members of those murdered in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, as well as many of those who survived, were injured or sickened from the attacks. More information is at
